09 May 2015

Random Map Blog Post

Today I came across a $1 bill with a stamp on it indicating to go to wheresgeorge.com. It is a tracking site for currency. I thought it was worth posting. Here's where my bill has been:

08 May 2015

Labs 8&9


The only thing which I couldn't figure out was the "step" portion since my years were not equal intervals (2010, 2013 and 2014).

Weekly Blog Post #10

Washington, D.C.

Here is a well put together map of all kinds of things in Washington, D.C. It is a little laggy and not especially pleasing to the eyes, but it is something that I feel this course has enabled me to create on my own. It is not so much that I wish that I had made this map, but more so that I feel that this is something which I could accomplish which makes me enjoy this map. It was made with Adobe Flash.

Weekly Blog Post #9

Open Source Mapping of Nepal

This is an awesome project which is enabling people from around the world to assist in the recovery mission in Nepal without even leaving their desks.

Lead Image For Current Gallery

06 April 2015

Final Project Proposal

For my final project I would like to have a timeline style map of my genealogy using the information I have obtained from ancestry.com. Upon pressing "play" the symbols (undetermined) and names would fade in and out. If paused, more detailed information would be displayed when hovering over the names of the individuals. I would like to incorporate a movement of the map as the locations of individuals become more condensed (http://www.mapsofwar.com/ind/imperial-history.html)

02 March 2015

Find a Map Post #5

Here is what I feel is a well done timeline map. It is visually simple and intuitive for the user. I would like to see a better basemap, color scheme and effects, but it depicts the information nicely.

25 February 2015

Lab 2 - 2015 NFL Playoffs

Find a Map Post #3

I found a map of the Appalachian Trail which allows you to click certain "layers" or "symbols" to show where certain amenities are located throughout the trail. I found this at http://www.appalachiantrail.org/hiking/find-a-hike/interactive-map

Find a Map Post #2

This is an interactive map with playback buttons of European history. Its not too fancy looking, but I like how there are useful functions ("show modern political boundaries," hover to see more info., click to read article). It can be found at http://www.worldology.com/Europe/europe_history_lg.htm

02 February 2015

PS image of Banda Aceh, Indonesia from December 28, 2004.

PS image of Banda Aceh, Indonesia from June 23, 2004.

Here is an interactive map of a time lapse image of the land which was taken from Native Americans from 1784 to present. It can be found at http://invasionofamerica.ehistory.org/